Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How can I refresh a comment/subreddit/submission?

A: Directly calling the constructors will refresh the value:


Q: Whenever I try to do anything, I get an invalid_grant error. What is the cause?

A: This means that either you provided the wrong password and/or the account you are trying to sign in with has 2FA enabled, and as such, either needs a 2FA token or a refresh token to sign in. A refresh token is preferred, because then you will not need to enter a 2FA token in order to sign in, and the session will last for longer than an hour. Refer to Two-Factor Authentication and Obtaining a Refresh Token in order to use the respective auth methods.

Q: Some options (like getting moderator logs from r/mod) keep on timing out. How can I extend the timeout?

A: Set the timeout config option or initialize Reddit with a timeout of your choosing.

Q: Help, I keep on getting redirected to /r/subreddit/login/!

Q2: I keep on getting this exception:

prawcore.exceptions.Redirect: Redirect to /r/subreddit/login/ (You may be trying to perform a non-read-only action via a read-only instance.)

A: PRAW is most likely in read-only mode. This normally occurs when PRAW is authenticated without a username and password or a refresh token. In order to perform this action, the Reddit instance needs to be authenticated. See OAuth Configuration Options to see the available authentication methods.

Q: Help, searching for URLs keeps on redirecting me to /submit!

Q2: I keep on getting this exception: prawcore.exceptions.Redirect: Redirect to /submit

A: Reddit redirects URL searches to the submit page of the URL. To search for the URL, prefix url: to the url and surround the url in quotation marks.

For example, the code block:


Will become this code block:
