
class praw.models.WikiPage(reddit, subreddit, name, revision=None, _data=None)

An individual WikiPage object.

__init__(reddit, subreddit, name, revision=None, _data=None)

Construct an instance of the WikiPage object.

Parameters:revision – A specific revision ID to fetch. By default, fetches the most recent revision.
edit(content, reason=None, **other_settings)

Edit this WikiPage’s contents.

  • content – The updated markdown content of the page.
  • reason – (Optional) The reason for the revision.
  • other_settings – Additional keyword arguments to pass.

Return the object’s fullname.

A fullname is an object’s kind mapping like t3 followed by an underscore and the object’s base36 ID, e.g., t1_c5s96e0.


Provide an instance of WikiPageModeration.

parse(data, reddit)

Return an instance of cls from data.

  • data – The structured data.
  • reddit – An instance of Reddit.

Return a generator for page revisions.

Additional keyword arguments are passed in the initialization of ListingGenerator.

To view the wiki revisions for 'praw_test' in '/r/test' try:

for item in reddit.subreddit('test').wiki['praw_test'].revisions():