
class praw.models.reddit.subreddit.Modmail(subreddit)

Provides modmail functions for a subreddit.

__call__(id=None, mark_read=False)

Return an individual conversation.

  • id – A reddit base36 conversation ID, e.g., 2gmz.
  • mark_read – If True, conversation is marked as read (default: False).


reddit.subreddit('redditdev').modmail('2gmz', mark_read=True)

Construct an instance of the Modmail object.

bulk_read(other_subreddits=None, state=None)

Mark conversations for subreddit(s) as read.

Due to server-side restrictions, ‘all’ is not a valid subreddit for this method. Instead, use subreddits() to get a list of subreddits using the new modmail.

  • other_subreddits – A list of .Subreddit instances for which to mark conversations (default: None).
  • state – Can be one of: all, archived, highlighted, inprogress, mod, new, notifications, (default: all).

A list of ModmailConversation instances that were marked read.

For example, to mark all notifications for a subreddit as read:

subreddit = reddit.subreddit('redditdev')
conversations(after=None, limit=None, other_subreddits=None, sort=None, state=None)

Generate ModmailConversation objects for subreddit(s).

  • after – A base36 modmail conversation id. When provided, the listing begins after this conversation (default: None).
  • limit – The maximum number of conversations to fetch. If None, the server-side default is 25 at the time of writing (default: None).
  • other_subreddits – A list of .Subreddit instances for which to fetch conversations (default: None).
  • sort – Can be one of: mod, recent, unread, user (default: recent).
  • state – Can be one of: all, archived, highlighted, inprogress, mod, new, notifications, (default: all).


conversations = reddit.subreddit('all').conversations(state='mod')
create(subject, body, recipient, author_hidden=False)

Create a new modmail conversation.

  • subject – The message subject. Cannot be empty.
  • body – The message body. Cannot be empty.
  • recipient – The recipient; a username or an instance of Redditor.
  • author_hidden – When True, author is hidden from non-moderators (default: False).

A .ModmailConversation object for the newly created conversation.

subreddit = reddit.subreddit('redditdev')
redditor = reddit.redditor('bboe')
subreddit.modmail.create('Subject', 'Body', redditor)

Yield subreddits using the new modmail that the user moderates.


subreddits = reddit.subreddit('all').modmail.subreddits()

Return unread conversation count by conversation state.

At time of writing, possible states are: archived, highlighted, inprogress, mod, new, notifications.

Returns:A dict mapping conversation states to unread counts.

For example, to print the count of unread moderator discussions:

subreddit = reddit.subreddit('redditdev')
unread_counts = subreddit.modmail.unread_count()