
class praw.models.MultiredditHelper(reddit, _data)

Provide a set of functions to interact with Multireddits.

__call__(redditor, name)

Return a lazy instance of Multireddit.

  • redditor – A redditor name (e.g., 'spez') or Redditor instance who owns the multireddit.
  • name – The name of the multireddit.
__init__(reddit, _data)

Initialize a PRAWModel instance.

Parameters:reddit – An instance of Reddit.
create(display_name, subreddits, description_md=None, icon_name=None, key_color=None, visibility='private', weighting_scheme='classic')

Create a new multireddit.

  • display_name – The display name for the new multireddit.
  • subreddits – Subreddits to add to the new multireddit.
  • description_md – (Optional) Description for the new multireddit, formatted in markdown.
  • icon_name – (Optional) Can be one of: art and design, ask, books, business, cars, comics, cute animals, diy, entertainment, food and drink, funny, games, grooming, health, life advice, military, models pinup, music, news, philosophy, pictures and gifs, science, shopping, sports, style, tech, travel, unusual stories, video, or None.
  • key_color – (Optional) RGB hex color code of the form #FFFFFF.
  • visibility – (Optional) Can be one of: hidden, private, public (default: private).
  • weighting_scheme – (Optional) Can be one of: classic, fresh (default: classic).

The new Multireddit object.

parse(data, reddit)

Return an instance of cls from data.

  • data – The structured data.
  • reddit – An instance of Reddit.