
class praw.models.ListingGenerator(reddit: praw.Reddit, url: str, limit: int = 100, params: Optional[Dict[str, Union[str, int]]] = None)

Instances of this class generate RedditBase instances.


This class should not be directly utilized. Instead you will find a number of methods that return instances of the class:

__init__(reddit: praw.Reddit, url: str, limit: int = 100, params: Optional[Dict[str, Union[str, int]]] = None)

Initialize a ListingGenerator instance.

  • reddit – An instance of Reddit.

  • url – A URL returning a reddit listing.

  • limit – The number of content entries to fetch. If limit is None, then fetch as many entries as possible. Most of reddit’s listings contain a maximum of 1000 items, and are returned 100 at a time. This class will automatically issue all necessary requests (default: 100).

  • params – A dictionary containing additional query string parameters to send with the request.


Permit ListingGenerator to operate as an iterator.

classmethod parse(data: Dict[str, Any], reddit: praw.Reddit)Any

Return an instance of cls from data.

  • data – The structured data.

  • reddit – An instance of Reddit.