Token Manager

Token Manager classes.

There should be a 1-to-1 mapping betwen an instance of a subclass of BaseTokenManager and a Reddit instance.

A few trivial token manager classes are provided here, but it is expected that PRAW users will create their own token manager classes suitable for their needs.

See ref:using_refresh_tokens for examples on how to leverage these classes.

class praw.util.token_manager.BaseTokenManager

An abstract class for all token managers.


Prepare attributes needed by all token manager classes.


Handle callback that is invoked after a refresh token is used.


authorizer – The prawcore.Authorizer instance used containing access_token and refresh_token attributes.

This function will be called after refreshing the access and refresh tokens. This callback can be used for saving the updated refresh_token.


Handle callback that is invoked before refreshing PRAW’s authorization.


authorizer – The prawcore.Authorizer instance used containing access_token and refresh_token attributes.

This callback can be used to inspect and modify the attributes of the prawcore.Authorizer instance, such as setting the refresh_token.

property reddit

Return the Reddit instance bound to the token manager.

class praw.util.token_manager.FileTokenManager(filename)

Provides a trivial single-file based token manager.


Load and save refresh tokens from a file.


filename – The file the contains the refresh token.


Update the saved copy of the refresh token.


Load the refresh token from the file.

property reddit

Return the Reddit instance bound to the token manager.