
class praw.models.reddit.subreddit.SubredditWiki(subreddit: praw.models.Subreddit)

Provides a set of wiki functions to a Subreddit.

__getitem__(page_name: str) WikiPage

Lazily return the WikiPage for the Subreddit named page_name.

This method is to be used to fetch a specific wikipage, like so:

wikipage = reddit.subreddit("test").wiki["proof"]
__init__(subreddit: praw.models.Subreddit)

Initialize a SubredditWiki instance.


subreddit – The subreddit whose wiki to work with.

__iter__() Generator[WikiPage, None, None]

Iterate through the pages of the wiki.

This method is to be used to discover all wikipages for a subreddit:

for wikipage in reddit.subreddit("test").wiki:
create(*, content: str, name: str, reason: Optional[str] = None, **other_settings: Any)

Create a new WikiPage.

  • name – The name of the new WikiPage. This name will be normalized.

  • content – The content of the new WikiPage.

  • reason – The reason for the creation.

  • other_settings – Additional keyword arguments to pass.

To create the wiki page "praw_test" in r/test try:

    name="praw_test", content="wiki body text", reason="PRAW Test Creation"
revisions(**generator_kwargs: Any) Generator[Dict[str, Optional[Union[praw.models.Redditor, WikiPage, str, int, bool]]], None, None]

Return a ListingGenerator for recent wiki revisions.

Additional keyword arguments are passed in the initialization of ListingGenerator.

To view the wiki revisions for "praw_test" in r/test try:

for item in reddit.subreddit("test").wiki["praw_test"].revisions():