
class praw.models.User(reddit: Reddit)

The user class provides methods for the currently authenticated user.

__init__(reddit: Reddit)

Initialize a User instance.

This class is intended to be interfaced with through reddit.user.

blocked() → List[praw.models.reddit.redditor.Redditor]

Return a RedditorList of blocked Redditors.

contributor_subreddits(**generator_kwargs) → Generator[[praw.models.reddit.subreddit.Subreddit, None], None]

Return a ListingGenerator of subreddits user is a contributor of.

Additional keyword arguments are passed in the initialization of ListingGenerator.

friends() → List[praw.models.reddit.redditor.Redditor]

Return a RedditorList of friends.

karma() → Dict[praw.models.reddit.subreddit.Subreddit, int]

Return a dictionary mapping subreddits to their karma.

me(use_cache: bool = True) → Optional[praw.models.reddit.redditor.Redditor]

Return a Redditor instance for the authenticated user.

In read_only mode, this method returns None.

Parameters:use_cache – When true, and if this function has been previously called, returned the cached version (default: True).


If you change the Reddit instance’s authorization, you might want to refresh the cached value. Prefer using separate Reddit instances, however, for distinct authorizations.

moderator_subreddits(**generator_kwargs) → Generator[[praw.models.reddit.subreddit.Subreddit, None], None]

Return a ListingGenerator of moderated subreddits.

..warning:: (Deprecated) This method will be removed in the next major
version of PRAW. Please use Redditor.moderated() instead.

Additional keyword arguments are passed in the initialization of ListingGenerator.


This method will return a maximum of 100 moderated subreddits, ordered by subscriber count. To retrieve more than 100 moderated subreddits, please see Redditor.moderated().


for subreddit in reddit.user.moderator_subreddits():
multireddits() → List[Multireddit]

Return a list of multireddits belonging to the user.

classmethod parse(data: Dict[str, Any], reddit: Reddit) → Any

Return an instance of cls from data.

  • data – The structured data.
  • reddit – An instance of Reddit.

Get an instance of Preferences.

The preferences can be accessed as a dict like so:

preferences = reddit.user.preferences()

Preferences can be updated via:


The Preferences.update() method returns the new state of the preferences as a dict, which can be used to check whether a change went through. Changes with invalid types or parameter names fail silently.

original_preferences = reddit.user.preferences()
new_preferences = reddit.user.preferences.update(invalid_param=123)
print(original_preferences == new_preferences)  # True, no change
subreddits(**generator_kwargs) → Generator[[praw.models.reddit.subreddit.Subreddit, None], None]

Return a ListingGenerator of subreddits the user is subscribed to.

Additional keyword arguments are passed in the initialization of ListingGenerator.